
(PDF) Failure Factors among Young Entrepreneurs in Higher Education Institution: A Study from Telkom University – ResearchGate

September 2018

License: CC BY-SA

The purpose of this research was to determine factors that caused the failure of young entrepreneurs in Telkom University among the participants of 2016-2017 competition and exhibition. This research applied a quantitative method with a descriptive and explorative research type. Techniques of collecting data were using questionnaires. This research used the nonprobability sampling method that was saturated sampling because of all members of the population of 116 respondents in this research. Data analysis was using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results show the five new factors causing the failure among young entrepreneurs in Telkom University who participate in the Business Plan Competition and Creative Market Exhibition in 2017, are: (1) improper asset and marketing management, (2) unqualified entrepreneurial characteristics, (3) unwell anticipation of capital and regulation pressure, (4) financial and non-financial failures, and (5) ignored by the owner.
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November 2023
47 Reads
Revista Gestão Organizacional
Objetivo: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar como os aspectos afetivos dos empreendedores se relacionam com as falhas. Método/abordagem: O método utilizado é o qualitativo de natureza descritiva e exploratória. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas com 15 empreendedores brasileiros. Os dados foram categorizados através do software Atlas.ti. Em seguida, foi realizada a análise dos dados, adotou-se o método da análise de conteúdo, considerando a perspectiva de Bardin (2016). Principais Resultados: Os resultados obtidos variaram de acordo com as vivências e particularidades de cada indivíduo. As emoções dos empreendedores foram identificadas em duas vertentes: (i) os aspectos afetivos podem afetar o empreendedor, levando-o a realizar ações e atitudes ineficazes, resultando em falhas no negócio; e (ii) as consequências e as emoções que o empreendedor carrega após a falha ter ocorrido. Ambas as vertentes apresentaram atenuantes positivos e negativos, variando em intensidade e tempo de duração. Contribuições teóricas/práticas/sociais: O propósito deste estudo é contribuir para o debate sobre como a afetividade pode afetar os empreendedores e preencher uma lacuna nas evidências existentes. Mais especificamente, este estudo visa retirar o estigma associado à falha como algo que traz apenas consequências negativas para o empreendedor, ajudando a promover um processo de aprendizagem mais efetivo. Originalidade/relevância: Ao investigar como os aspectos afetivos dos empreendedores se relacionam com as falhas, alinhando os campos do conhecimento do empreendedorismo e da psicologia, este estudo se mostra relevante por oferecer insights que possam ser aplicados tanto no âmbito acadêmico quanto no gerencial, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do empreendedorismo e o aprimoramento das práticas empreendedoras.
September 2021
151 Reads
International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy
The study aims to determine the factors that influenced the failure of online businesses run by Business Administration students from the class of 2017-2018, along with the most dominant element that caused the business to take a knock. The research was done using the descriptive qualitative method. The data collection process was in the form of in-depth observation and interviews with 12 sources who had failed to do business online. The data analysis technique used in this study is the Miles and Huberman model. The result shows that 14 factors caused the failure of online businesses run by Business Administration students from the class of 2017-2018, which are managerial incompetence, the lack of experience and skill, financial problems, business planning, wrong target market, business transition, inability to control stock, uncontrolled growth, location, marketing management, high product cost, poor management, consistency, and time management. The most dominant ones were business planning, managerial incompetence, and lack of experience and skill.
August 2023
1 Read
Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN 1681-6870 Online ISSN 2790-2293 )
تعد الريادة هي مصدر للفرص المميزة ذات القيمة التنافسية وان احد متطلبات النمو والابداع لتحقيق ريادة الاعمال هو دراسة جوانب الاخفاق والتعلم من نتائجهُ، اذ سعت الدراسة الى تحليل اسباب الاخفاق الريادي ونتائجه في كلية الرافدين احدى الكليات الاهلية الرائدة في بغداد، وتمثلت مشكلة الدراسة في البحث عن الاسباب التي ادت الى تراجع موقعها الريادي بين المنافسين وكيف انعكس ذلك عملية التعلم من نتائج هذا الاخفاق، وتم جمع البيانات من خلال المقابلات التي اجريت مع متخذي القرار والريادين في الكلية والبالغ عددهم (10) بواسطة قائمة الفحص التي تضمن مجموعة من الاسئلة، وكشف التحليل لهذه المقابلات والاجابة عن التساؤلات الى تحديد نقاط القوة والضعف وتحليل فجوة الاداء. وكانت ابرز نتائج الدراسة ادراك الادارة العليا في كلية الرافدين اهمية تحديد اسباب الاخفاق الريادي والتركيز على عوامل النجاح للاستمرار في الريادة التي تحتلها الكلية ومنافسة الكليات الاخرى.
July 2018
199 Reads
1 Citation
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the moderating effect of the support of environmental factors on the relationship between creative thinking and entrepreneurial attitudes among university students in Egypt and Spain. A questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 339 university students who were enrolled in tourism and hospitality programs. Results indicated that the entrepreneurial attitudes of students, whether in Egypt or in Spain, were positively affected by creative thinking and moderated by education, university, society, and family. Results also indicated that there were similarities and differences between Egyptian and Spanish students with respect to their perceptions of different variables studied. Within the context of the theoretical background and results of the current study, implications, limitations, and future research suggestions are discussed.
July 2018
27 Reads
16 Citations
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the moderating effect of the support of environmental factors on the relationship between creative thinking and entrepreneurial attitudes among university students in Egypt and Spain. A questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 339 university students who were enrolled in tourism and hospitality programs. Results indicated that the entrepreneurial attitudes of students, whether in Egypt or in Spain, were positively affected by creative thinking and moderated by education, university, society, and family. Results also indicated that there were similarities and differences between Egyptian and Spanish students with respect to their perceptions of different variables studied. Within the context of the theoretical background and results of the current study, implications, limitations, and future research suggestions are discussed.
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