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Wildwood Elementary School holds annual Patriot Day | Schools | newsmirror.net – Yucaipa/Calimesa News Mirror

Partly to mostly cloudy. High 56F. Winds light and variable..
Partly cloudy. Low 37F. Winds light and variable.
Updated: December 23, 2023 @ 2:36 am
Wildwood Elementary School Principal Lucia Hudec displays the American flag with students, Andrew Willers, Cannon Nafzgar, Slate Collins, Emily Kumanski and Reese Biggs.
Teachers Melody Davidsmeier, Principal Hudec and Davina Correa pose with first graders wearing newly constructed patriotic hats.

Wildwood Elementary School Principal Lucia Hudec displays the American flag with students, Andrew Willers, Cannon Nafzgar, Slate Collins, Emily Kumanski and Reese Biggs.
Teachers Melody Davidsmeier, Principal Hudec and Davina Correa pose with first graders wearing newly constructed patriotic hats.
Wildwood Elementary School held its annual Patriot Day assembly on Friday, Sept. 9 in recognition of the 15th anniversary of Sept. 11. Wildwood Elementary School has been participating in the event for the past few years. Some students donned red, white and blue clothing for the special day. First grade teachers Melody Davidsmeier and Davina Correa had thier students create one-of-a-kind Patriot hats.
The Yucaipa High School AF JR ROTC Color Guard presented the colors and explained the meaning to the students. Mr. Alan Remele, retired school district music teacher, played TAPS on his trumpet. Fifth grade students read the Proclamation of this special day of service and remembrance to the student body. Students, parents, volunteers and staff attended the event.
“When I started at Wildwood seven years ago, I started to work with students who weren’t even born when 9-11 happened and it made me realize we have a nation of children who need to understand the purpose of why congress named Sept. 11 as Patriot Day and why President Obama calls this day one of service and remembrance,” said Principal Lucia Hudec.

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